Friday, October 7, 2011

Friday in the Harris Teeter

I just got our of the grocery and snapped a couple of iPhone photos. 

I was going to pick up a 6 pack of Spaten but I noticed the price went up by a dollar (it's been $6.99 for like at least a year.) Anyways, the geniuses in the marketing department wanted to raise the price but make it look like they were lowering it so they did this. Good thing I'm so stingy. Otherwise, I might have fallen for it. 

Then there was this. I'm having a hard time figuring out how the good folks at Kraft figured out that people want to buy frozen pizza and frozen cookies in the same box. I guess people like doughy baked things. Maybe when the two are packaged together people feel less guilty about eating frozen pizza and then moving right onto cookies. These people also brought you the Marlboro Red. Just sayin'

1 comment:

Dr. Bunsen Honeydew said...

I think the pizza and cookies make sense. You get dinner and dessert and in one package. It looks slightly more appetizing than the DiGorno's and Wyngz (spelled as it is on the package).